Connectivity Telecom Italia / Interbusiness / Seabone

Dear Customers,

currently there are connectivity problems from the Telecom Italia / Interbusiness / Seabone network; we have contacted our upstream-providers/carriers Level3, KPN and IPX/GBLX about this issue and got confirmation of the problem. We are working to resolve this problem – which does not depend and is not caused by us – ASAP.

Gentili clienti,

al momento ci sono problemi di connettivita’ dalla rete Telecom Italia / Interbusiness / Seabone; abbiamo contattato i nostri carriers Level3, KPN e IPX/GBLX a riguardo e finora abbiamo ricevuto soltanto conferma del problema. Stiamo lavorando per risolvere questo problema – che non dipende da noi – al piu’ presto.

Geehrte Kunden,

derzeit gibt es eine Störung im Netz von Telecom Italia / Interbusiness / Seabone; wir haben unsere Carrier Level3, KPN und IPX/GBLX diesbezüglich bereits kontaktiert und bisher nur Bestätigung des Problems erhalten. Wir arbeiten daran, dass Problem – das nicht von uns abhängt – baldmöglichst zu lösen.

Telecom Italia just confirmed they are having a big fault (fiber cut) in France (2 cuts) and one Milano. This was confirmed also by the Telecom Italia Sparkle (SEABONE) NOC. They are working on this issue to solve it ASAP.

Da Telecom Italia ci e’ giunta comunicazione urgente che stanno riscontrando gravi problemi a causa di due fibercuts in Francia ed un fibercut a Milano. Il tutto e’ stato confermato anche dal NOC di Telecom  Italia Sparkle (SEABONE) . Stanno lavorando per risolvere il problema al piu’ presto.

Von Telecom Italia wurde das Problem als schwerwiegend bestätigt, es gibt zwei Fibercuts in Frankreich und einen weiteren in Mailand. Bestätigt wurde das ebenfalls vom NOC von Telecom Italia Sparkle (SEABONE). Es wird an der Behebung der Störung gearbeitet.


We have a big fault ( fiber cut) in france 2 cuts and one in milan.

We are working to solve it asap.



———————————————- Telecom Italia Sparkle SpA
Customer Assistance/Assurance I° t Se@bone Network Operations Center Via M.
Palocco, 223 – Rome, IT +39 XX (24H service)

Problems with DTAG were reported also, we’re awaiting updates from our carriers regarding those issues.

A quanto pare ci sono problemi anche nella rete DTAG, stiamo aspettando conferme ed aggiornamenti da parte dei nostri carriers a riguardo.

Es wurden Probleme auch im Netz der DTAG gemeldet, wir warten noch auf Feedback von unseren Carriern diesbezüglich.

To complete the list, problems with AT&T are also being reported.

Per completare la lista, sono appena giunte segnalazioni riguardo a problemi di connettivita’ anche per la rete AT&T.

Der Vollständigkeit halber sei auch noch erwähnt, dass es ebenfalls Problemberichte zum Netz von AT&T vorliegen.

All problems solved; we were updated by Telecom Italia at 04:52 CET that the fiber-cuts have been restored, both in Milano Chiasso and Marseille Vernegues and that the circuits are up and running fine.

Problema risolto; Telecom Italia ha confermato che alle ore 04:52 i fiber-cuts sono stati ripristinati (a Milano Chiasso e a Marseille Vernegues) e che la rete funziona regolarmente.

Problem gelöst; Telecom Italia hat um 04:52 Uhr bestätigt, dass die Fibercuts behoben wurden, sowohl in Chiasso Mailand, als auch in Marseille Vernegues und dass das Netz wieder einwandfrei funktioniert.


Dear Customer,

Please be informed that both Fiber cuts Milano Chiasso /  Marseille Vernegues have been restored and the 

circuits should be up and running fine.

We kindly ask you to confirm the current status.

Best Regards,Nicola

Telecom Italia Sparkle Contact Center

Telephone:   +39 XX
Fax:             +39 XX
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