
Archivi degli autori

  • Problems with Google DNS

    We are currently seeing timeouts with the Google Nameservers. In case you are affected by this issue please change Your nameservers accordingly. [ITALIANO] Stiamo rilevando dei timeout utilizzando i nameserver di Google. Nel caso stiate riscontrando anomalie sulla Vs linea internet siete pregati di cambiare nameserver (p.e. quelli forniti dal Vs provider oppure OpenDNS). [DEUTSCH] […]

  • Unplanned Maintenance 19 APR 2012 21:59 – 20 APR 2013 00:15

    Dear Customer, Primary Dates: April 19th 2013, 21:59 – April 20th 2013, 00:15 CEST Location: Munich Datacenter #2 Summary Description of Maintenance: Upgrade of routers (distribution layer) Software Upgrade on core routers Customer Impact: Customer connectivity and uptime will be affected during the upgrades. Interconnection between datacenters will be affected. Following the (d)DoS attack we […]

  • (d)DoS / heavy flooding

    We are currently experiencing heavy flooding and a (d)DoS attack, the mitigators are currently being activated. Al momento stiamo riscontrando un forte attacco (d)DoS e conseguente flooding, stiamo provvedendo ad attivare i mitigatori. Derzeit sind wir starkem Flooding wegen einer (d)DoS-Attacke ausgesetzt, die Mitigatoren werden derzeit aktiviert.

  • Routers Scheduled Maintenance 9 DEC 2012 23:59 – 10 DEC 2012 00:15

    Dear Customers, our routers are scheduled for maintenance on 9 December 2012 between the hours of 23:59 and 10 December 2012 00:15 CET. During this period, connectivity to servers and services will be unavailable or available only with high latency. We will be upgrading router software, conclude the de-peering of the carrier Cogent and install […]

  • Problemi di connettivita’ Telecom Italia

    Gentili Clienti, a titolo informativo segnalamo che al momento a quanto pare ci sono problemi di connettività nella rete Telecom Italia, probabilmente per tutte le connessioni che passano per Francoforte. Stiamo aspettando risposta definitiva da Telecom Italia / TI Sparkle a riguardo (finora abbiamo ricevuto conferma di un potenziale problema soltanto via telefono). L’ultimo aggiornamento […]

  • Carrier change & maintenance

    [ENGLISH] We will change one of our upstream providers / carriers this night (31st OCT 2012) starting at 00:01, the traffic will be routed over to other carriers and while no outage is planned, there is a possibility that this will be service affecting and cause downtime during the night. [ITALIANO] Procederemo al cambio di […]

  • Upgrade

    We are upgrading the Barracuda Cluster at, no outages or downtimes are planned, but you might experience a slight delay in e-mail delivery. Stiamo aggiornando il cluster Barracuda su, non sono previsti downtimes o disservizi, tuttavia potrebbe esserci un lieve ritardo nello smistamento della posta elettronica. Wir führen gerade Upgrades auf dem Barracuda […]