Carrier change & maintenance

We will change one of our upstream providers / carriers this night (31st OCT 2012) starting at 00:01, the traffic will be routed over to other carriers and while no outage is planned, there is a possibility that this will be service affecting and cause downtime during the night.

Procederemo al cambio di uno dei nostri upstream provider / carrier questa notte (31 ottobre 2012) a partire dalle ore 00:01. L’instradamento verra’ ridistribuito sugli altri carriers ed anche se non e’ previsto downtime, la possibilita’ che siano disturbi ai servizi e downtime durante la notte e’ alta.

Wir werden diese Nacht einen unserer Upstream-Provider / Carrier austauschen (31. Oktober 2012) ab 00:01 Uhr. Das Routing wird über die anderen Carrier abgewickelt und verteilt und auch wenn kein Downtime geplant ist, ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Störungen oder Downtimes einzelner Dienste während der Nacht hoch.

UPDATE 01 NOV 2012 00:05: Pre-tests completed, migration will start in a few minutes.

UPDATE 01 NOV 2012 02:28: Migration completed, post-migration tests ongoing.

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